Miriam's Art Gallery
Born in Moscow, currently residing in Brooklyn, my creative career began when I was just a little girl and began taking piano lessons.
Eventually i would receive a Bachelor of Music degree with a major in Music Theory at one of Moscow’s most prestigious music schools, the State Musical and Pedagogical Institute named after M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov. In addition, I also studied privately with master musicians in Russia.
A rigorous program that only accepted five students each year, my studies gave me a strong foundation in the academic study of music theory with concentrations in music history, performance, and an introduction to composition.
Spiritually speaking, i find that creative neshamos find their deepest connection with HaKodesh Baruch Hu through involvement in the arts and music.
About seven years ago, i signed myself and young son up for art lessons and discovered she possessed a hidden talent for drawing and painting.
Preferring the richness of colors and glossy finishes that oil paints bring to her work, i often incorporates sfumato and impasto techniques to my work that give to paintings textural depth and beauty.
My art includes landscapes, scenery and lush still life paintings